»Comparing apples
and oranges is my
daily bread.«

Juli Gudehus

The Lesikon der visuellen Kommunikation

My »Lesikon« represents nothing less than a new literary genre – combining lexicon with reading book. Hence its title, The readicon of visual communication’. It comprises each and every field of visual communication: colour, form, mistakes, measures, materials, originality, illustration, emotion, animation, talent, typography, photography, web design, effects, and many more.

To non-experts, this book offers an uncomplicated and fun way to access a highly interesting field of human creation, that embraces each and every part of our everyday life: sport, music, sex, politics, science, jobs, games, nourishment, traffic, clothes, hygiene, medicine, birth, death, and religion.

»Nothing is certain and not even that is certain.« This is one of my favourite quotes. It is around 2,000 years old and is attributed to Antiphon. I use it as the opener to my Lesikon, because almost everything in and about it, is or was uncertain. For many years, I was not sure whether this book would ever be published. When you read it, you can rely only on your own judgement, and it raises at least as many questions as it answers. Basically, like in »real life«.

The Book of all books. A cornucopia for designers and all those who perceive the world with their eyes open.

Erik Spiekermann on Twitter

In times of Wikipedia this seemingly anachronistic work repeatedly gives the pleasure to find what you did not seek.

Andrea Eschbach, NZZ

, Neue Zürcher Zeitung

The most bizarre and quirkiest book to be published this year. An absolute work of art.

Denis Scheck, German national TV show »druckfrisch«

Gudehus keeps the traditional form of a lexicon, only to throw a party inside it like someone who opens a restaurant in an abandoned factory. The guests love it.

Ulrich Stock, German national newspaper


The Lesikon provokes thoughts – and is thus an epitome of usefulness of reading. More praise is probably not possible. At least not for a lexicon that in times of Wikipedia retrieves the honour of the book as a medium.

Jürgen Kaube, German national newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

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