»Comparing apples
and oranges is my
daily bread.«

Juli Gudehus

Do what you want

Have you read »The Neverending Story« by Michael Ende? If not, let me warmly recommend it to you. This book recently fell into my hands again, and I was as excited and moved by it as when I was young.

In the story, »Do what you want« is engraved on the back of a medallion belonging to Fantasia’s Childlike Empress. »Do what you want« sounds easy enough but soon turns out to be difficult. The question quickly becomes: »What do you want?«

Is what you want right? … is it good? … what does it lead to? And if you know what you want, and do what you want … will you still want it at a later time?

Sorry, no English version of the stickers is available yet! For a custom-made variation as a wall text, just send me a mail.

Your everyday life offers plenty of chances for mounting this memo. Maybe you wish to give it to someone else?

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